Posted on

 November 9, 2010 in 

James J. McCarthy, IV, “Senior Account Executive of Business Development” at, comments on my Yodle Lawyer Marketing Sucks post:

Although yodle should not have put a picture on their micro site that would put their client at risk, if I am not mistaken, are you not paying for leads from people searching for your services. Who cares where it came from as long as it brings you a new cusotmer/ ROI.

Really; I couldn’t make this stuff up (maybe Ken or Patrick at Popehat could, but I couldn’t).

This is an excellent demonstration (for which I’d like to thank Mr. McCarthy) of why lawyers need to stop outsourcing their marketing (and therefore their ethics and their reputations) to companies like FindLaw and Yodle; guys like McCarthy, Sparta Townson, and Jenni Buchanan; and other marketers: because to a marketer, “Who cares where it came from as long as it brings you a new customer/ ROI” is a reasonable rhetorical question.

Lawyers: these charlatans don’t know, understand, or care about the ethical rules that you must follow, and that you are responsible for assuring your advertising follows. If you put your reputation in their hands, you will get burned. Count on it.

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  1. shg November 9, 2010 at 6:52 pm - Reply

    Dang, Jimmy J. You sure walked into the wrong bar.

  2. Justin T. November 9, 2010 at 8:49 pm - Reply

    Look, I just need to know whether or not you are going to pay me to paint LAWYER MARK BENNETT on my back during my bare-knuckle cage fight next week. Because if not, we have a problem.

  3. Ken November 9, 2010 at 8:49 pm - Reply

    Dude. I appreciate the compliment, but if I could write that type of material, I’d be writing for the Daily Show, getting tons of gullible-hipster-girl tail. Or in jail for mail fraud, one of the two.

  4. NL November 10, 2010 at 2:14 am - Reply

    Okay, Mark, you have warned all of your collegues about the Coming of the Yodle Lashback. We all know the power of personal referrals (i.e. “I know Mark Bennett and he’s the lawyer that I’d hire”) outweighs any “stupid canned website”….please move on to something of more interest or controversy? (Yodle doesn’t even deserve the attention you have given them.)

    • Ken November 12, 2010 at 10:15 am - Reply

      How about a blog post about commenters who are so freakishly entitled that they like to tell bloggers what to blog about?

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