Posted on
December 7, 2007 in
Defending People had a lot of traffic yesterday from Harris County computers; last night at the HCCLA Holiday Party a prosecutor asked me if I was really blogging during trial. From these two data I conclude that Harris County prosecutors are reading my blog from the office. Welcome, prosecutors! If you see any unnamed prosecutor in here whom you believe to be you, you’re wrong. Anonymous prosecutors are at least partly fictionalized. If you think you recognize a case that you have against me in a blog post, likewise, you are incorrect. All open cases, and most closed cases, are at least partly fictionalized. Descriptions of named prosecutors, however, are entirely accurate.
I hope that you will comment (anonymously, if you like) when you read something that inspires or outrages you.
P.S. Should you really be reading Defending People from the office during work?
I just assumed they only looked at porn on the office computers.
oh wait, dammit.
A question for my prosecutorial readers: Does your office filter porn from your network?
If the answer is “no”, how do you know?
If “yes”, why?
The only way you know what’s porn is to see it.
Thank you Justice Stewart…I mean Greenfield.