Posted on
October 24, 2013 in
In a comment to this post, in which I wrote:
I confess that I don’t know who JD Underground’s denizens are. Dropping in there is like visiting a party at which a bunch of doughy masked frat boys alternately slap-fight and masturbate each other. It’s frankly disturbing.
…JD Underground denizen “patentesq” asks, “Hey, Bennett how about arguing your points on JDU?”
I wonder: what part of my description of JD Underground does patentesq find so appealing? Does he like the doughy fratboys, the slap-fighting, or the mutual masturbation? Or is the whole package what attracts him so much to the site that he thinks I should want to be there too?
Then patentesq’s fellow doughy masked frat boys discuss who Mark Bennett is. Which is funny, first inherently—because if identity were important to them, they’d be identifying themselves—and second because “who Mark Bennett is” is no mystery: I’ve written more than 850,000 words here; I have a separate advertising website; I’m active on Twitter; I’ve got videos online; I’ve been interviewed by various media outlets. I’m very much the opposite of an anonymous commenter.
JD Underground’s anonymous commenters are like lapdogs behind a high fence yipping at the big dogs running free.
Freedom is great, pups. Come on out from behind your fence, and let’s play.