

The Tip of the Iceberg

 Posted on April 07,2010 in Uncategorized

I've now heard about two Republican criminal court judges telling other judges that they will not give court appointments to criminal-defense lawyers who are running for other Republican criminal court judges' benches. It's unattributable at this point, but my sources are credible and have provided information in the past that has turned out to be correct. I'll keep asking them to allow me to name names before November, but meanwhile...

Judges, what the hell are you thinking?

Do you think that withholding paying work from political opponents isn't corruption? (It is; it may even be prosecutable.)

Do you trust the people you make these offers to not to rat you out? (You can't. Obviously.)

Are you just trying to prove to the world that you can get reelected in Harris County no matter how blatantly corrupt you are?

(I'm sure that more than two judges have adopted this particular corrupt practice, but they don't know which two I know about.)

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